'tis the most exciting time of the year! DEPHEMEREMBER! Join us on a fun journey of making ephemera for our junk journals!
So, what is Dephemerember?
This series is a collaboration with the wonderful Barbara @49dragonflies! From December 4th to December 28th, 2023, we'll be showing you new ephemera ideas for your junk journal! Additionally, we have hidden plenty of freebies and goodies in our videos! And there's also a giveaway!
We're excited to see your DEPHEMEREMBER CREATIONS on social media! Please use #DEPHEMEREMBER in your post or YouTube video description, so we can all inspire each other with amazing ephemera ideas!
find videos, photos & freebies for all the prompts from the prompt list here. Enjoy & happy crafting! Please read the terms of use for the freebies at the bottom of the page.

another letter from Ephy
december 31st
Can you believe it? It's already the last day of Dephemerember 2023. I don't know if I shall laugh or cry...
watch the video here...

me and my crush
december 28th
Have you ever felt the need to have a little liquid courage before a junk journal project? That's me today.
Because what I'm doing today - no, HAVE TO do - is not only something I didn't really WANT to do, but it also involves a surprise for Barbara that she has absolutely no idea about... I'm expecting big trouble...
watch the video here...

spaghetti box window
december 27th
You're wondering what a spaghetti box window is? How am I supposed to know that, YOU made the prompt list.
watch the video here...

forgotten snacks
december 26th
When I read today's prompt, I didn't have to think long about what a "forgotten snack" means to me. However, the designer of my chocolate lentils' packaging was not a hero. How can someone combine colors like that?! Is there still something that can be done with it?
watch the video here...

friendship bracelet
december 25th
How to incorporate a friendship bracelet into a junk journal? Well... let's consider making a belly band today! Also, since Barbara has sent materials that perfectly match, let's include those as well!
watch the video here...

vintage meets modern
december 21st
Today's prompt presents challenges for me! As probably the most old-fashioned person in the world, I'm supposed to come up with something where vintage meets MODERN? Well then... let's give it a try, are you in?
watch the video here...

recycled fairy
december 20th
The title of this video would confuse me... well, recycling a fairy IS confusing... LOL.
watch the video here...

nature's treasure
december 19th
Ephy normally is truly a good craft buddy. But today....
watch the video here...

plaid & polka dots: please touch!
december 18th
I think you would agree when I say, "junk journaling is fun!" But there's one thing that I really don't like to make... and that is hidden paper clips. I truly hate them! So, why don't we make one for today's prompt? I mean, come on! It's Dephemerember!
watch the video here...

mushroom robots
december 14th
Sometimes during the year I get those ideas where I think: "That sounds like a lot of fun, let's save that for Dephemerember!" Today I wanna bring one of those ideas to life. Let's make some junk journal earrings in a very grungy metal style!
watch the video here...

magical creature
deember 13th
What is magic to you, actually? For me, there is magic in various areas, and one of them is being creative. When it comes to paper crafting, cards with special effects are pure magic to me! So, let's try to create something like that, even though we have no idea how it's done. But we have our little crafting friend Ephy, who supports us along the way. It shouldn't be a problem, right?
watch the video here...

kintsugi houses
december 12th
Come, let's break something to then repair it again! But not just anyhow - instead, with the Japanese repair technique Kintsugi, applied to a playing card.
watch the video here...

halloween meets christmas
december 11th
When I looked in the mirror this morning, I thought, "argh! Is it Halloween again already?" But when I opened my door, my mood instantly improved because there was a gift... so is it already Christmas after all? Or both at the same day?
watch the video here...

clocks & wings
december 7th
It can indeed be romantic on a campsite... However, power and mobile network outages are too much romance for my nerves, especially when all the individual pieces of a project seem to fit together perfectly...
watch the video here...

selfie in a bubble
december 6th
I have the feeling that I have to tell you the biggest secret of my past to be able to bring my idea for today's prompt of DEPHEMEREMBER 2023 to life...
watch the video here...

salvaged birds
december 5th
Sometimes, associations take twisted paths. That's how it was with my idea for the ephemera for today's prompt "salvaged birds".
Let's create a journaling card from trash, with salvaged birds made from an egg carton.
watch the video here...

a butterfly & three torn things
december 4th
Let's create an ephemera inspired by our first official prompt for DEPHEMEREMBER 2023! I can't wait to show you a technique I've recently discovered, which is an absolute game-changer for me! Here's a little hint: we're going to make distress ink mediums waterproof and permanent on acetate... you heard right! (Thank me later, lol).
watch the video here...

an unexpected letter from Ephy
december 1st
All day long, I had this strange feeling in my stomach! Now I know why! Our little craft buddy, Ephy, who will accompany us throughout DEPHEMEREMBER 2023, has written a letter to both me and Barbara and has given us a challenge! Want to know what it's about? Then watch the video, and maybe afterward, you'll feel like taking on Ephy's challenge too!
watch the video here

prompt list pocket
Wouldn't it be cool to have a pocket for this year's prompt list? So that it always has it's place...
How about we get creative together and craft a little something?
Let's make a prompt list pocket together!

dephemerember pillow
You can come up with the best ideas while you're sleeping, can't you? However, it becomes a challenge when it comes to crafting because, I mean, I can't spend the entire day in bed. Bringing my craft supplies to bed would also pose a problem. So, how about we create a pillow for our craft desk? Haven't made a pillow before?
Well, neither have I. Let's give it a try together!

dephemerember journal cover
I used to think the worst thing that could happen in a craft room is clutter. However, I've learned otherwise. There's something even worse! And that is accidentally throwing away the piece you wanted to use for your dephemerember journal cover... I guess I'll have to improvise a bit today. But we are junk journalers, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

artsy scraps swap
Join the fun & unbox a package from @49dragonflies with me! We've exchanged artsy paper scraps from our stash to use during dephemerember.
For storage, we crafted a fabric bowl using some fabric scraps and glue! So much fun!

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